One Million Sent Logo


Teens trained to share the gospel

The best way to reach GenZ is to train them to tell their peers about Jesus. Through the 1 Million Sent challenge, our goal is to equip 1 million teens worldwide to share Jesus in their everyday lives by 2030. Whether you're a student looking to share Jesus with a friend, a leader wanting to train students, or someone searching for salvation, this is the place for you. Check out all our free resources and get ready to #LiveSent!

Emoji-Vangelism Resources


Equip Others

For Leaders wanting to train others

We are so excited to have you as part of the R.A.G.E. family! Together we can equip this generation to reach this generation and beyond. As you journey through these studies, get ready to be equipped to equip others.

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Share the good news

If people do not call on Jesus, they cannot be saved. For them to call on Jesus, they must hear the gospel. In order for them to hear, they must be told. It’s time for us to raise up and send out a generation to tell! There are more than one billion teens in the world today. The hard truth is 70% of people who ever trust Christ as Lord do so by their 18th birthday. The best way for them to hear about Jesus is from a Christian friend. We are so excited for you to be part of 1 Million Students who will be sent to go, show and share the good news of Jesus with their friends.
